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Why now is the time to Take Pride in supporting LGBTQ+ rights

Stonewall staff

Research tells us that in 2022, the United Kingdom is a country that is proud to be inclusive; one where its people are increasingly embracing their LGBTQ+ neighbours, colleagues, family and friends...

NewsBlogCommunitiesCulture, media & sportSocial exclusion

5 common misconceptions about pansexuality

Prishita Maheshwari-Aplin

This Pansexual Visibility Day, we’re exploring what it means to be pansexual, and debunking 5 common myths about pansexuality. With our understanding of the diversity of human experience expanding –...


Stonewall statement on Jake Daniels coming out

Liz Ward, Director of Programmes at Stonewall (she/her) said: ‘We are proud that Jake has felt able to share his truth with the world. To come out...

TeamPride statement on Jake Daniels coming out

Today, Jake Daniels of Blackpool FC took the brave decision to come out as the first openly gay footballer to play in the English Football League in...

8 LGBTQ+ people describe the power of workplace inclusion

Stonewall staff

Lots of us spend most of our days at work. And, at least before the Covid-19 pandemic, that involved being in the same workplace, around the same people, every day. Not being able to be authentic...


Statement on Safe To Be Me conference

Due to the Prime Minister’s broken promise on protecting trans people from the harms of Conversion Therapy, we regret that we are withdrawing...

7 lesbians open up about the importance of visibility in 2022

Stonewall staff

For Lesbian Visibility Week, we asked seven lesbians what it means to them to be a lesbian in 2022, and what message they'd like to share with other lesbians. This week, we want to celebrate the...


Which countries have already banned conversion therapy?

Stonewall staff

The UK Government committed to banning conversion therapy in England and Wales in 2018, yet nearly four years have passed without a ban. But across the world, many places already have bans in place...

NewsBlogHealth & social careInternationalLaw & crime

No Longer Running From Myself: Why I’m running the 2022 London Marathon

Jean Vianney Cordeiro

Content warning – mental health, eating disorders, weight loss This year, our trustee Jean Vianney is running the London Marathon to raise money for Stonewall. Do you want to take on a challenge to...

BlogCulture, media & sport

5 ways to kickstart LGBTQ+ inclusion at work

Stonewall staff

Whether you’re LGBTQ+ or an ally, whether you head up your organisation or you’re in an entry-level role, everybody should feel able to make their workplace a little more inclusive. Here, we’ll share...



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