Stonewall research
Read our latest research into LGBT people's experiences of discrimination and public attitudes towards LGBT equality
LGBT in Britain - Bi Report (2020)
Based on the experiences of bi people who took part in our research with YouGov.
Shut out: the experiences of LGBT young people not in education, training or work
This research uncovers the profound impact that LGBT-specific factors (including family rejection and anti-LGBT bullying), on top of wider challenges...
LGBT in Britain - Health (2018)
Half of LGBT people (52 per cent) experienced depression in the last year Research shows LGBT people face widespread discrimination in healthcare...
Supporting trans women in domestic and sexual violence services
nfpSynergy spoke to representatives from 15 organisations across Britain Many participants say reform of the Gender Recognition Act would have no...
LGBT in Britain - Home and Communities (2018)
Our report highlights deep challenges for the LGBT community, with alarming levels of racism experienced by black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME)...
LGBT in Wales - Work
A third of LGBT employees in Wales (34 per cent) hid or disguised that they are LGBT at work in the last year because they were afraid of...