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Stonewall research
Read our latest research into LGBT people's experiences of discrimination and public attitudes towards LGBT equality
Ace in the UK Report (2023)
The Ace in the UK Report uncovers for the first time the shocking experiences of healthcare, workplace and societal discrimination that ace people...
LGBT in Britain - Bi Report (2020)
Based on the experiences of bi people who took part in our research with YouGov.
LGBT in Wales - Work
A third of LGBT employees in Wales (34 per cent) hid or disguised that they are LGBT at work in the last year because they were afraid of...
LGBT in Scotland - Work Report (2018)
Stonewall Scotland research on the experiences of LGBT people at work.
LGBT in Britain - Work Report (2018)
More than a third of LGBT staff (35 per cent) have hidden that they are LGBT at work for fear of discrimination. One in ten black, Asian and minority...