
Contact Stonewall’s Information Service

The Information Service provides information and signposting support to the LGBTQ+ community and our allies.

We provide information and signposting support in these areas:   

  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Housing
  • Discrimination at work
  • Hate crime
  • Marriage and civil partnerships
  • Fertility and parenthood
  • Immigration and asylum
  • Domestic abuse

We are currently developing our Information Service webpages to reflect the topics listed above, please bear with us, as we aim to finish and upload them shortly.  

We seek to enable LGBTQ+ people to remove barriers to accessing their potential and dealing with inequity through effective signposting for support and advice. This will provide options for them to consider as they move forward in their life or offer support to a member of the LGBTQ+ community, for example, a friend, family member or colleague. We aim to offer this information and signposting in a supporting and compassionate way.  

We are not able to provide individual advocacy or referral to other services, legal advice or direct immigration advice and support, counselling, or other types of direct service provision.  

As we are a UK based service, we only signpost to organisations based within the UK. 

There are 3 ways you can contact Stonewall’s Information Service

1. Email us directly on 

2. Complete our website entry form below

3. Write to us at our London address, which is Stonewall, 192 St. John Street, London, EC1V 4JY 

We are a confidential service but if we are worried about your safety there may be times where we may need to let others know. This is when:

  • You ask us to. 
  • We believe your life, or someone else's life is in danger.
  • You're being hurt by someone in a position of trust who is able to hurt other children or adults at risk, like a teacher, religious leader, sports coach, police officer or doctor. 
  • You tell us that you're seriously hurting another person.
  • You tell us about another child or adult at risk who is being hurt and is not able to tell someone or understand what is happening to them.
  • There’s been a crime committed.