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Chwaraewch Ran

10 ways you can step up as an ally to bi people

23 September is Bi Visibility Day, where we celebrate the huge range of people worldwide who identify as bi. But do you know what it means to be bi? And do you know how you can better support bi...


An intergenerational Q&A about LGBTQ+ education in schools

Max Hartley

An intergenerational Q&A about LGBTQ+ education in schools. Claire Dowie and Rachel Watkeys-Dowie are a mother and daughter who both identify as queer. Claire is 64, grew up in Birmingham and...

NewsBlogEducation & youthFamilies

Scottish Government sets out commitments on LGBTQ+ equality in Programme for Government

Colin Macfarlane, Director of Stonewall Scotland (he/him) said : ‘We welcome today’s commitment from the First Minister to introduce a bill to reform...

How we can help LGBTQ+ refugees

Nobody would leave their home country unless they have no other option. LGBTQ+ refugees are some of the world’s most vulnerable people – at risk of persecution and often, certain death. Here’s what...


Stonewall announces new trustees

We’re so pleased to share that five new trustees have joined Stonewall’s board: Dunni Alao, Lou Downe, Gbolahan Faleye, Adam Lake and Dr Kyle Ring...

LGBTQ+ or not, a truly inclusive education system benefits everyone – here’s why

All LGBTQ+ children and young people deserve an education that reflects who they are. Join us in building a world where LGBTQ+ youth are safe, seen and heard. Stop the threats to LGTBQ+ inclusive...

NewsBlogEducation & youth

Gofalu. Gweld. Gwrando

Person of colour with hair dyed in trans flag colours, draped in the rainbow flag, smiles at the camera

Bi Cymru/Wales

Ele Hicks

Bi Cymru/Wales was founded in 2007 by bi people in Wales who felt that their issues and voices are often missing or overlooked in LGBTQIA+ spaces. We came out of a workshop held at BiCon UK held when...


Netflix’s Pray Away shows us the horrors of religious conversion therapy - here’s why we need a ban without exceptions

Stonewall staff

Netflix’s new documentary Pray Away follows the actions of Exodus, a religious group who told LGBTQ+ members – and their families – that they could change who they were. This important film follows...

NewsBlogCommunitiesFaith & religionHealth & social careLaw & crimeSocial exclusion

Cynllun Gweithredu Cydraddoldeb LHDTC+ i Gymru

Stonewall staff

Heddiw, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi lansio ymgynghoriad cyhoeddus ar y Cynllun Gweithredu LHDTC+ sydd ar y gweill. Mae’r ymgynghoriad yn rhoi cyfle i sefydliadau a’r cyhoedd i ddweud eich dweud ar y...



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