Blog | Page 12 | Stonewall
Chwaraewch Ran

Time to celebrate #RSEDay

Today, all of us at Stonewall are celebrating RSE Day. If you haven’t heard of it before, that’s OK! RSE Day was created two years ago by Nottingham City Council and now, with the support of the Sex...

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The data is clear: most people are supportive of trans rights

We see a lot of misinformation and ‘debate’ about trans people. But actually when it comes to the data, it is clear. The majority of people, and specifically women, support trans rights. As Stonewall...


7 ways to look after your wellbeing during COVID-19

Kara Bird

For those living with anxiety, depression or other mental health difficulties, the COVID-19 crisis and lockdown brings added challenges. Our normal strategies for looking after our wellbeing, such as...

NewsBlogCommunitiesHealth & social care

LGBT people of faith share their experience of lockdown

The last few weeks have seen people of faith mark significant annual festivals. The last few weeks have seen people of faith mark significant annual festivals. Pesach, Lent and Easter, Ramadan and...

NewsBlogCommunitiesFaith & religion

Pedwar ymgyrchydd ifanc LHDT y dylech chi wybod amdanyn nhw

Mae pandemig COVID-19 wedi effeithio ar rai pobl lesbiaidd, hoyw, deurywiol a thraws (LHDT) yn galetach. Mae'r argyfwng byd-eang wedi gwaethygu sefyllfa llawer o bobl LHDT. O Hwngari i Uganda, Gwlad...

NewsBlogCommunitiesEducation & youthInternational

Interview with Nancy Kelley, Stonewall's new CEO

Stonewall staff

Nancy Kelley is the new Chief Executive of Stonewall, and will start working with us in June 2020. She comes to us from the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) where she was Deputy Chief...


Meet Sheldon Mills, Stonewall's new Chair of Trustees

Stonewall staff

An interview with Sheldon Mills, Stonewall's new Chair of Trustees. Why did you first apply to become a Stonewall trustee? For starters, I’d always been attracted to Stonewall because of the...


Diwrnod Gwelededd Lesbiaidd 2020: 'Aros yn weladwy wrth aros yn y tŷ'

Stonewall staff

Rhybudd cynnwys: homoffobia, troseddau casineb. Rai blynyddoedd yn ôl, roedd fy ngwraig a minnau'n darged mewn cynllun gan gymydog i gyflawni ymosodiad homoffobaidd a gafodd ei rwystro. Oherwydd...


Why we're worried about the Government’s statement on trans rights legislation

Yesterday, the Minister for Women and Equalities Liz Truss announced that the government’s response to a consultation to reform a piece of trans rights legislation (the Gender Recognition Act ) will...


Sut mae COVID-19 yn effeithio ar bobl LHDT?

Mae bywyd pob un ohonon ni wedi newid yn ddiweddar. Ond mae rhai pobl lesbiaidd, hoyw, deurywiol a thraws (LHDT) yn diodde'n waeth nag eraill yn sgil ymbellhau cymdeithasol. Mae'n gliriach nag erioed...

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