
Global Workplace Equality Index

The definitive benchmarking tool for global LGBT workplace equality, designed to meet the specific needs of multinational organisations.

The Global Workplace Equality Index (GWEI) is Stonewall’s definitive global benchmarking tool, providing valuable insight to organisations in all areas of LGBT inclusion, supporting progress towards equality wherever you operate.

Research shows that inclusive workplaces boost productivity, improve recruitment opportunities and enhance employee wellbeing.

  • A third of LGBT employees seek more inclusive workplaces, while nearly 40% of job seekers avoid non-inclusive companies altogether.
  • Organisations with high LGBT transparency and LGBT friendly policies often welcome increased profit margins, higher stock valuations and profits.
  • People vote with their wallets and LGBT global spending power totals $4.7 trillion - more than the GDPs of several major economies.

The GWEI offers the opportunity to become a Stonewall Top Global Employer, signalling to potential employees, partners and stakeholders your commitment to LGBT inclusion.

Global Workplace Equality Index 2025

Submissions for the Global Workplace Equality Index will open by 30 November 2024, and close on 1 March 2025 at 17:00(GMT). In the meantime, Global Diversity Champions can access our criteria and zoning guidance, as well as a planning template to support you in getting ready for November.

Top Global Employers 2023

Explore top employers, award winners and more.

Why participate?

Assess your work

Participating helps you to assess your organisation's achievements and progress on LGBT equality across your global operations - ensuring LGBT inclusion is embedded in every country and region. 

Receive recognition

High-performing organisations will be celebrated as Top Global Employers and could receive a number of additional awards.

Show your commitment 

Taking part is a great way to show your commitment to the new UN Standards of Conduct for business on tackling discrimination against LGBTI people. Even if you've completed our Workplace Equality Index, the scope of the Global Index gives you a chance to assess your progress on LGBT inclusion in your workplaces around the world. You can also compare your performance with other global organisations.

Build an action plan

Stonewall Global Diversity Champion members receive in-depth tailored feedback from our experts and taking part is completely free.

Find out more about working with us
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