
Campaigning for global LGBT equality

Discover Stonewall's international work

What's the situation for LGBT people worldwide?

Although there has undoubtedly been progress in the last century for LGBT people worldwide, there remains a divergence in rights globally. Some countries are becoming increasingly tolerant, others are becoming more repressive.

There has been significant progress since 1990 - over 40 countries have outlawed homophobic hate crimes and 30 out of 195 countries have passed laws allowing equal marriage. But the fight from equality is far from over.

What forms does discrimination take?

70 countries criminalise same-sex relationships.

The death penalty for same-sex relationships is either ‘allowed’, or evidence of its existence occurs, in 11 of these countries.

In more than half the world, LGBT people may not be protected from discrimination by workplace law.

Most governments deny trans people the right to legally change their name and gender from those that were assigned to them at birth.

A quarter of the world’s population believes that being LGBT should be a crime.

Taken from ILGA World (2020).

Acceptance without exception worldwide

Since Stonewall started its international programme in 2012, we’ve achieved a great deal. 

We’ve established ourselves as a leading voice on international LGBT issues with the UK government, empowered LGBT human rights defenders to campaign for change in their countries, and built an exceptional network with campaigners in over 80 countries.

Further resources

ILGA World (2019) - State Sponsored Homophobia Report

ILGA World (2017) - Sexual Orientation Laws

ILGA World (2017) - Trans Legal Mapping Report

ILGA World and RIWI (2017) - Global Attitudes Survey on Sexual, Gender and Sex Minorities

  • TGEU provides more detailed maps and reports on the legal situation for trans people around the world, including transphobic hate crimes.
  • The United Nation’s 'Free & Equal Campaign’ is the first UN public campaign to address LGBT rights issues.
  • IGLHRC and Arc International are great places to go for information on advocating for LGBT human rights issues at the UN.
  • The Institute of Development Studies has this useful toolkit on sexual rights and social justice around the world.
  • Funders for LGBTQ Issues is a good resource for international LGBT organisations seeking funding.