
24 Celebrities Demand Immediate Action on Conversion Practices from PM.

November 1, 2023

2nd November 2023 – Stonewall, the largest LGBTQ+ organisation in Europe, with the support of celebrities from across music, film and fashion call out the UK Government's failure to protect LGBTQ+ people and instead focus on waging culture wars that dehumanise the LGBTQ+ community.

In a joint letter addressed to PM Rishi Sunak, celebrities such as Russell Tovey, Alan Cumming, Mae Martin, Munroe Bergdorf, Dr Ranj and many more demand immediate action on conversion practices as the clock runs down on time to legislate on its promise from over 5 years ago. The long-fought for ban on conversion therapy faces a make-or-break moment in the King’s Speech after years of negotiations, delays and U-turns, despite having cross-party political support 

They also accuse the UK Government of giving the green light for abusers to continue unhindered and call out the wider failure to protect LGBTQ+ people in the UK from rising hate crimes, lack of access to specialist healthcare and cooling support for the LGBTQ+ inclusive education laws introduced under Boris Johnson’s government.

Read the full letter.

Find out more about conversion therapy.

Robbie de Santos, Director of External Affairs at Stonewall, said: Following conflicting ‘will they, won’t they’ reports it's obvious that long-term opponents of LGBTQ+ rights are trying to derail these vital protections. The Prime Minister has a choice of pandering to extreme voices or demonstrating his leadership by protecting LGBTQ+ people and standing up to abusers. He has a week to decide whether his government will be on the right side of history and bring forward a full no-loopholes ban on conversion practices in the King's speech next week.”  

Actor Alan Cumming, said: "It's not just about banning conversion therapy; it's about sending a message to young queer people that their government does not believe there's anything wrong with them, and that they have no need to convert or change. Until conversion therapy is banned, the UK government is sending a message that it is inherently homophobic." 

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