
Statement on Gender Recognition Act reform in Scotland

December 9, 2022

Colin Macfarlane (he/him), Director of Nations at Stonewall, said:

"The Scottish Government has an overwhelming mandate to reform the Gender Recognition Act. The proposed reforms are one of the most consulted on in the Scottish Parliament’s history.

In May this year, the Scottish Parliament’s Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee undertook ten weeks of detailed evidence hearings on the proposals, hearing from a wide range of witnesses both supporting and opposed to the reforms. 

On 21st December we hope that MSPs will vote to pass this legislation and ensure Scotland joins an ever-growing number of countries that have a demedicalised process of legal gender recognition.   

If reports are true that the UK Government wishes to interfere in the democratic process of the Scottish Parliament, it will be nothing short of a disgrace that shows a total lack of respect for the mandate of the Scottish Parliament, fueling division.

It will be yet another example of hampering progress on LGBTQ+ rights and undermine the Prime Minister’s pledge to govern with compassion.

The UK Government already recognises equivalent birth certificates from all EU/EEA countries, including countries which have a de-medicalised model of legal gender recognition, so to refuse to recognise Scottish certificates would be a mistake, fly in the face of international best practice and come across as spiteful. 

We hope this is the not the approach the Prime Minister wishes for the UK Government to take’’.