
Stonewall Cymru welcomes PrEP availability in Wales

June 30, 2020
  • The Welsh Government announces it will provide PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) to all those at high risk of coming into contact with HIV.

  • Decision follows the Government’s three-year PrEP trial.

  • Stonewall Cymru, alongside leading sexual health organisations like Terrence Higgins Trust, have been campaigning for PrEP to be made widely available for years.

Joe Rossiter, Policy and Campaigns Officer at Stonewall Cymru, said: ‘It is great to hear that PrEP will be made available to anyone at high risk of HIV infection in Wales. PrEP is a game-changing drug that’s been proven to be a highly effective at lowering rates of HIV transmission.

‘Following the Government’s three-year PrEP trial, this move will allow Wales to protect those most at risk, and marks an important step towards ending HIV transmission. Because it costs much more to treat HIV than prevent it, this will also save NHS Wales money in the long-term.

‘However, PrEP isn’t the only way to tackle HIV transmission, it’s just one crucial part of a bigger puzzle. Alongside sufficiently resourced inclusive sexual health services, we need high-quality Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE) because the majority of LGBT young people say they still don’t receive the information or guidance they need to stay safe.

‘That’s why we’re excited the Welsh Government has committed to create an inclusive and mandatory RSE curriculum that will give young people what they need to make informed decisions. Stonewall Cymru will continue to campaign for high-quality, LGBT-inclusive, RSE to ensure that LGBT young people are equipped to make safe, healthy decision about their wellbeing.’