
Stonewall Cymru welcomes the cross party debate on anti-LGBT hate crimes

October 23, 2019

'We're pleased to see a cross-party debate on tackling LGBT hate crime in Wales happening in the Senedd today. It's important that the increase in anti-LGBT hate crimes are met with urgency and action. Behind the recent reports showing an increase in anti-LGBT hate crimes are lesbian, gay, bi and trans people who continue to face hatred on the basis of who they are.

'Almost one in four LGBT people (23 per cent) have experienced a hate crime or incident due to their sexual orientation and/or gender identity in the last 12 months, and this should be a wake-up call to us all.  While we recognise confidence in reporting is rising, we fear these statistics represent the tip of the iceberg in anti-LGBT hate crimes. From our LGBT in Wales: Hate Crime and Discrimination report, we know underreporting is still a major issue with seven in ten anti-LGBT hate crimes and incidents in Wales going unreported, with younger LGBT people particularly reluctant to go to the police. Stonewall Cymru encourages anyone who’s experienced a hate crime to report it, and we’re working with authorities and police services to help LGBT people feel more confident to do so. 

‘We all have a part to play in making our society more accepting. Now more than ever, it is time for everyone who cares about equality to stand together as one united community to ensure everyone is free to be themselves.'