
Stonewall statement on changes to blood donation rules in the UK

December 14, 2020

Nancy Kelley (she/her), Chief Executive, Stonewall said: ‘We want to see a blood donation system that allows the greatest number of people to donate safely. This change will help ensure more gay and bi men can donate blood, and represents an important first step towards a donation selection policy entirely based on an individualised assessment of risk. We will continue to work with Government to build on this progress and ensure that more people, including LGBT+ people, can donate blood safely in the future.

‘While we welcome today’s news, we know much more still needs to be done to tackle the challenges that lead to gay and bi men, along with other groups of people including Black African communities, sex workers, and trans communities, being at higher risk of acquiring HIV and other STIs. The recommendations of the HIV Commission set out a clear roadmap for achieving the UK Government’s commitment to ending new HIV infections by 2030, and we will continue to work with the Government and other charities to make this a reality.’