
Stonewall statement: the need for government action on LGBT+ rights

March 11, 2021

Nancy Kelley, CEO at Stonewall (she/her) said: ‘It is upsetting and concerning that Jayne Ozanne, James Morton and Ellen Murray all felt they had to resign from their advisory posts in response to a lack of UK Government action to address conversion therapy. We stand in solidarity with them and are grateful for all the work they have done to hold the Government to account, work that we will all continue to do as we fight for LGBT+ equality.

‘It is appalling that in 2021 our communities are still being subjected to these harmful practices, putting lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, intersex and asexual people at risk of lifelong trauma. In the last week alone, almost twenty thousand people have emailed their MPs and urged the UK Government to stop dragging its feet and bring in a full legislative ban of LGBTQIA+ conversion therapy.

‘The trust and support of our communities cannot be taken for granted. It has been almost one thousand days since the UK Government promised to ban conversion therapy, but actions speak louder than words. We have waited long enough, now is the time for the UK Government to act.

‘To add your voice and call on the UK Government to act, go to and write to your MP today.’