
Stonewall statement on the Queen's Speech

May 10, 2021

Nancy Kelley, CEO at Stonewall (she/her) said: ‘We welcome the news that a proposal will be put forward in the Queen’s Speech to introduce a Bill to ban so-called ‘conversion therapy’. Any practice that seeks to convert, cure, change or cancel a person’s sexual orientation and/or gender identity is dangerous and harmful and must be banned. The same goes for the promotion or advertisement of such practices and attempts to remove a person from the country for the purpose of subjecting them to conversion.

‘We hope to see the details of the Bill shortly. The UK Government must publish a full and comprehensive Bill that bans conversion practices in all forms, for all people and in all settings, including religious and faith-based settings, and it must also provide statutory support for victims and survivors. We urge the UK Government and Parliament to quickly pass legislation to ensure no LGBTQIA+ person is left at risk of serious harm by these inhumane and degrading practices.’