
Teachers in England need more support on LGBT-inclusive education

Published September 24, 2020

Every child and young person deserves an education that sets them up for life, reflects the diversity of our world, and affirms that they are valid and deserving of respect.

From this school year, statutory Relationships and Sex Education will become a reality in all of England’s schools – a huge step forwards in supporting every child and young person to thrive.

As part of this, all secondary schools will be required to teach about sexual orientation and gender identity, and all primary schools will be strongly encouraged and enabled to teach about LGBT families.

However, research shows that a lack of support for teachers delivering these subjects risks undermining their potentially life-changing impact.

The official guidance published today falls short of the UK Government’s ambition to give teachers the confidence they need to deliver these subjects well.

The publication of additional materials for teachers is welcome, but the official guidance published today falls short of the UK Government’s ambition to give teachers the confidence they need to deliver these subjects well, including teaching about LGBT identities and relationships.

While we’re pleased the guidance highlights the importance of LGBT-inclusive teaching, confusing wording and a lack of practical suggestions means that the guidance won’t meet the needs of many teachers and young people. 

It is likely to leave teachers no clearer about what they can and can’t say, and unaware that there are a number of tools, resources and partners like Stonewall who can support them.

We’re particularly concerned about some of the guidance on teaching about trans identities; we have always been clear in our training and school resources that teachers must not assume a gender non-conforming young person is trans.

The DfE guidance only tells teachers what they shouldn’t teach about, rather than what they should.

So this guidance does not give them the tools, skills and guidance that they have been calling for in order to support them in teaching children and young people effectively.

It’s now vital that future materials produced by the UK Government provide clear, specific and positive support.

Looking ahead, it’s now vital that future materials produced by the UK Government provide clear, specific and positive support to help schools deliver LGBT-inclusive education.

Stonewall has been supporting schools for years to create inclusive learning environments, and we have a track record of providing high-quality resources to help teachers ensure their RSE lessons include LGBT people and relationships.

Teachers right now are already overburdened and under pressure after making COVID-19 adaptations. If they don’t receive clear and practical support from UK Government on Relationships and Sex Education, they will face further drains on their time and capacity. The consequence will be children and young people across the country missing out on education that has the potential to change their lives and will allow them to flourish as adults.

The UK Government must ensure that future materials, coupled with high-quality training for schools, enable every child and young person to grow up happy, healthy and free to be themselves.