
Why do we need the Rainbow Laces campaign?

Published November 25, 2021

When we wear our rainbow laces, we commit to having honest conversations about the experiences of LGBTQ+ people in sport and fitness – but what are the key talking points we need to address?

Sport and fitness is an important part of so many of our lives – it has the power to bring people together, and to improve our mental and physical health. But too many LGBTQ+ people still feel confronted with a choice between loving their sport and being their true selves.

More than a million of you have laced up to show support for LGBTQ+ people in sport and fitness. Now it’s time to go one step further and start a conversation about why you support the campaign, and the commitment we can make, individually and together, to ensure LGBTQ+ feel welcome in sport.

Speak up to friends, family, colleagues, teams and clubs – because every conversation matters, and every conversation takes us one step closer to achieving our goal.

Below are just some of the conversations we need to have now, if we want to make sport everyone’s game.

Q: How widespread is discrimination?

Many LGBTQ+ people still feel unsafe and unwelcome in sport and fitness. For example:

  • Across Europe, 82% of LGBTQ+ people who take part in sport have experienced or witnessed homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia in the past 12 months (Out in Sport, 2019).
  • More than 43% of LGBTQ+ people think public sporting events aren’t a welcoming space for LGBTQ+ people. (YouGov for Stonewall, 2017).
  • 33% of LGBTQ+ people who participate in or follow sport aren’t out to anyone in their sporting life (Out in Sport, 2019). Their research indicates that fear of rejection and bullying are two key factors keeping athletes ‘in the closet’.

So while there’s been a significant uptick in visibility in recent years, LGBTQ+ people still face prejudice across the sporting world, and that means many simply stop participating. That’s why it’s so important for each of us to talk with the people around us about the real experiences of LGBTQ+ people in sport, and do our best to create inclusive environments.

Q: Are attitudes changing towards LGBTQ+ people in sport?

The Rainbow Laces campaign has united the majority of sport fans and participants who see that inclusion matters. For example:

  • Two thirds of sport fans who saw the campaign believe they have a responsibility to stick up for LGBTQ+ fans of the teams and sports they follow (ICM for Stonewall, 2020).
  • 46% of people feel confident challenging anti-LGBT language online and at live sporting events.

And in recent years, we’ve celebrated an ever-growing number of out and proud LGBTQ+ sportspeople gracing our screens and magazine covers. With increasing awareness has come increased acceptance, but there’s still a way to go to shift public attitudes – 20% of sport fans think anti-LGBTQ+ language is harmless if it’s just meant as banter (ICM for Stonewall, 2020), and there’s more work to do to ensure trans people can participate in the sports they love.

Q: How can we support LGBTQ+ people to not give up on their sporting dreams?

Every team member plays a vital role in making people feel part of the team. Team talks, end of season speeches, WhatsApp groups, and dressing room chatter – the way we interact in all these contexts impacts our peers. For a lot of people, sport and sporting environments are ‘safe spaces’, somewhere they feel comfortable and at ease. But for others, the same place might make them feel like they have to hide part of their lives because of how others might react.

See below for a list of top tips to help you become a more inclusive teammate, fan or organisation – and how to safely tackle discrimination when you see it.

Q: Do people perform better when they can be themselves?

Research has shown that ‘coming out’ at work is related to higher job satisfaction, and there are significant ‘costs’ associated with hiding our true selves – the same can be applied in the context of sporting clubs and events. If we’re not worrying about hiding aspects of ourselves from those around us – by monitoring how we talk, walk, or share details about our lives – we can truly focus on the sports we love.

‘Coming out’ is also linked to improved mental health. Depression impacts our communities at a disproportionately high rate, with our 2018 research showing that 52% of LGBTQ+ people had experienced depression in the past year. Much of this is linked to the discrimination we face in a range of contexts. If LGBTQ+ people can be themselves in a sporting environment, it’s more likely that they’ll perform to their best potential.

Q: What part can I play?

Simple – lace up and speak up! Celebrate the impact that sport has on LGBTQ+ people and the impact that LGBTQ+ people have on sport, and to consider how we can all play our part in making sport everyone's game.

Why not start a conversation about why those around you should also support the cause? You can order laces for your communities or encourage them to order laces, and provoke positive, constructive conversations across your communities about LGBTQ+ inclusion. Remember – every conversation takes us one step closer to creating a better sporting world for LGBTQ+ people.

Check out this blog by our Sports Engagement Manager to learn more on why we must speak up for LGBTQ+ sportspeople for more inspiration.

Top tips for LGBTQ+ inclusion in sport

Sport can bring so many benefits to our lives – not just in terms of wellbeing, but also in the ways sport brings people together.

LGBTQ+ people deserve to be a part of this. We shouldn’t feel excluded or shut out just because of who we are.

Take a look at our top tips for LGBTQ+ inclusion in sport, whether you’re an organisation/group, teammate, or a fan.

Being an inclusive sports organisation

Regardless of the set-up of your sport or activity, everyone will benefit if it’s more inclusive of lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, questioning and ace (LGBTQ+) people.

For many, sport and sporting environments are ‘safe spaces’ - somewhere they feel comfortable and at ease. But for others, the same place might make them feel like they have to hide part of their lives because of how others might react.

Follow these top tips to create a space where everyone feels they can be their authentic self. This way, they can spend all their energy and enthusiasm on their sport.

1. Celebrate

Letting everyone know you’re LGBTQ-inclusive doesn’t need to be complicated. You can show that you welcome everyone by making clear and visible statements, such as wearing Rainbow Laces, celebrating different identities on social media, and displaying pride stickers visibly at your venues.

2. Policies

Sporting environments should be inclusive of all LGBTQ+ people, to make sure every opportunity is open to as many people as possible. You may find it useful to check that your organisation has inclusion policies and that they are up-to-date.

It is good practice to ensure your anti-bullying policy states that anti-LGBTQ+ bullying will not be tolerated. Checking that your other policies use inclusive language can help you challenge gender stereotypes and avoid unintentionally excluding anyone. It can be useful to have a club trans inclusion policy that reflects your governing body’s trans inclusion guidance. Whether or not you already have trans team members, knowing what to expect from your club will be reassuring for potential new members, and for current members who may be considering coming out.

3. Codes of conduct

Codes of conduct help everyone at the organisation know what behaviour is (and isn’t) acceptable. It is useful to include your organisation’s core values and make reference to your safeguarding, inclusion and anti-bullying policies. Putting the code of conduct on prominent display can act as a permanent reminder for club members.

4. Play

Some people may prefer to play in mixed-gender environments, so consider setting up mixed trainings, sessions, or tournaments where possible. If your organisation's activities are already inclusive of all genders, you can make this clear by renaming your session to explicitly say ‘mixed’. Mixed activities can break down barriers and provide comfortable and inclusive opportunities for everyone.

5. Facilities

Consider what could be done to make your facilities more inclusive for all. For example, providing the option of gender-neutral facilities, and including a sanitary bin in all toilets. If you use third-party facilities, you might want to work with the managers to ensure gender-neutral spaces are available.

Being inclusive isn’t just the right thing to do – it has real benefits for you, your teammates, and your club. Inclusive approaches help:

  • Recruit new participants and retains current ones, helping make your organisation sustainable.
  • Attract new talent – participants will know they’ll be accepted for who they are and encouraged to reach their full potential.
  • Create a welcoming environment, which makes your organisation a better place to work or volunteer. This will ensure your activities continue week in, week out.
Being an inclusive teammate

Every team member plays a huge role in making people feel part of a team. Whether it’s in team talks, end of season speeches, WhatsApp groups or changing room chatter – take these steps to ensure everyone can thrive in their chosen sport:

1. Don’t assume

Avoid using language that makes assumptions about people’s gender identity and the gender of their partner. It’s more inclusive to say things like ‘bring your partner to the game’ rather make assumptions and use ‘boyfriend or ‘girlfriend’, or celebrate a ‘player of the match’ instead of ‘man’ or ‘woman’.

2. Challenge stigmatising language 

If language focuses on someone’s identity in a negative way, it’s hurtful and abusive, even if it’s not directed at anyone around you at the time. This isn’t banter; it’s abuse. Slurs cause harm even if there’s no obvious ‘target’. LGBTQ+ people don’t need to hear the words to be hurt by them. They reinforce stereotypes, build barriers to understanding and stop the sporting arena being a welcoming place. If you feel safe to do so, challenge abusive language and behaviours. Remind people that this language is offensive and exclusionary.

3. Respect difference

LGBTQ+ is an umbrella term, but the experiences of the people it covers can be very different, both in sport and in the wider world. Support everyone as the individuals they are. Talk to everyone about wellbeing and valuing team spirit, and be mindful of differences in experience.

4. Celebrate

Talk to LGBTQ+ people on your team about how they want to be supported and championed. Small actions can go a long way, and there may be things they need that are specific to your environment or their own personal experiences. Teammates look out for each other, so make a habit of checking in with all of yours!

Being a respectful fan

As fans, we all want the same thing: winning teams and athletes who perform well. All clubs and sports have an ethos and values, and showing your support for a team or sport shouldn’t go against this. We can all cheer our side on and create an exciting atmosphere without being abusive.

1. Show your support

Visibly show your support for LGBTQ+ people to make it clear that sport should be everyone’s game. Wear Rainbow Laces, and share positive messages supporting LGBTQ+ people in sport online.

2. Choose your words wisely

Slurs cause damage even if there’s no visible ‘target’. LGBTQ+ people don’t need to hear the words to be hurt by them. Anti-LGBTQ+ slurs perpetuate stereotypes, build barriers to understanding, and stop the sporting arena being a welcoming place.

3. Let your club or governing body know that you value inclusivity and diversity

Write to your club and encourage them to think about diversity in the club and the steps they can take to promote inclusivity. Ask them about plans to get involved in Rainbow Laces, celebrate different identities, and get sponsors and supporters involved in club activities.

4. Reach out

If your team has an LGBTQ+ fan group, reach out to them. Ask them how you can show your support as an ally or join up!

5. Learn how to report discrimination

There could be different ways to report bullying, harassment or discrimination – online, in person, by phone. The key thing is to report it as soon as you can after the incident. Make sure you involve the victims of anti-LGBTQ+ abuse in the reporting process and in any decisions made in reaction to it.

Tackling anti-LGBTQ+ abuse in sport

Although many people think anti-LGBTQ+ abuse is wrong – and people are increasingly able recognise it when it happens – too few of them report it. Such abuse can only be stamped out if the authorities know when and where it’s happening, so everyone should take action whenever they witness or experience it.

Keep in mind that abusive language doesn’t need to be directed at LGBTQ+ people for it to be a problem. Chants which reference sexual acts, slurs, and misgendering are all forms of abuse – even if you don’t think an LGBTQ+ person will be directly affected. Abuse can also take the form of graffiti, stickers, or purposefully excluding someone from social activities.

1. Learn how to report discrimination

There could be different ways to report bullying, harassment or discrimination – online, in person, by phone. The key thing is to report it as soon as you can after the incident. Make sure you involve the victims of anti-LGBTQ+ abuse in the reporting process and in any decisions made in reaction to it.

Who to report to:

  • If you’re involved in football: download the Kick It Out App
  • If you’re playing in a BUCS or university fixture: speak to your Sports Coordinator
  • If you’re taking part in any other sport: speak to your National Governing Body
  • If you’re participating in a mass activity event: speak to a steward, or check online for helplines
  • If you’re at another sport event, venue, gym or facility: check the host organisation’s website for information

2. Safely challenge

If you feel confident and the situation is safe, challenge the language yourself in a positive, non-aggressive way. Tell them that anti-LGBTQ+ language is abusive and hurtful, even if it’s not directed at a particular person at the time. Doing so sends a strong message to fellow fans, players, and the workforce that anti-LGBTQ+ abuse isn’t acceptable. If they know they’ll be challenged, they’ll be less likely to do it.

3. Follow the club guidelines

Some major sports arenas display advice on reporting abuse on the concourses or in the toilets. They often advertise a club- or stadium-specific number you can use to report abuse discreetly. If there are stewards around, tell them about the abuse – they’ve been trained to deal with these situations.

If you witness abuse at any other sporting event – e.g. a smaller ground, community event, or casual fitness session – tell the officials as soon as possible. Then report it to the host organisation and the national governing body.

4. Tell an official

If you witness abuse at any other sporting event – e.g. a smaller ground, community event, or casual fitness session – tell the officials as soon as possible. Then report it to the host organisation and the national governing body.

5. Report social media abuse

Take screenshots of anti-LGBTQ+ abuse you see online and report it to the social media platform concerned. Attacks on social media are especially harmful as they endure after the game, and also reach people at home.