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COVID-19: Stand in solidarity with the LGBT community

Stonewall staff

I hope that you and your loved ones are staying safe during this difficult period. I wanted to share with you Stonewall’s response to the impacts of Covid-19 on LGBT communities, to say thank you for...


COVID-19 update: adapting Stonewall’s work

Stonewall staff

Like everyone, the team at Stonewall are thinking through how we adapt to the situation we find ourselves in. The safety of our staff, the people we support and work with always comes first. As a...

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Now’s the time to stand up for trans equality in Scotland

Chances are if you’ve read a newspaper, gone on the internet, or turned on the TV at all, you’ve probably seen some shocking headlines about trans people lately. The sad reality is that there a lot...


Why International Women’s Day matters for LGBT people

Charlotte Lush and Erin Walters-Williams

8 March marks International Women's Day – ‘ a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women ’. It has a clear purpose: to promote ‘unity, celebration,...


New research: LGBT young people 'shut out' of education and employment

Stonewall staff

First-of-its-kind research uncovers what life is like for LGBT young people not in education, employment or training Bullying at school, discrimination in the workplace and lack of home support can...

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Stonewall hosts roundtable of trans people of colour

Stonewall and gal-dem host discussion of seven trans people of colour about issues facing the community Writer and activist KUCHENGA chairs evening’s...

Silence In The Library: finding LGBT stories in the library catalogue

In the 2019 Netflix special Nanette , Hannah Gadsby asked: ‘Where are the quiet gays supposed to go?’ How about your local library? Libraries are typically thought of as stuffy institutions with...

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LGBT History Month: trans people have always been here

Stonewall staff

Lesbian, gay, bi and trans (LGBT) people have always existed and always will exist. We are not going anywhere, and we’re certainly not a trend. In the face of rising homophobia, biphobia and...

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How we are tackling a legacy of LGBT discrimination in schools

Stonewall staff

The introduction of Section 28 in 1988 had a profound impact on the approach schools and colleges took to LGBT inclusion in the UK. This law made it illegal for schools and colleges to ‘promote...

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How hiding my bi identity affected my mental health

6 February is Time to Talk Day, an initiative by Time to Change that encourages everyone to be more open about mental health. Our Senior Campaigns Officer, Molly Maher, opens up about the mental...

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