
Stonewall in Northern Ireland

At Stonewall, we stand for lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, questioning and ace (LGBTQ+) people everywhere. We imagine a world where all LGBTQ+ people are free to be themselves and we can live our lives to the full. 

We are part of a vibrant global movement for change made up of LGBTQ+ people, our allies, families and friends. We know that we are stronger by working with others.

That’s why we’ve been working in partnership with The Rainbow Project since 2017, to extend and deliver the Diversity Champions Programme to Northern Ireland. Today, we support an ever-evolving number of employers in Northern Ireland to create workplace environments where their LGBTQ+ employees can thrive.

We cherish our partnerships with community organisations and our relationships with grassroots campaigners. We are so proud to have supported the work of the Love Equality coalition, who made marriage equality a reality in Northern Ireland in 2020. We also continue to support campaigners locally who are working to deliver a ban on conversion therapy.

Working with our communities, partners and allies to learn together and support each other is at the heart of our approach. This is how we will continue to work in Northern Ireland.

Our partnership with The Rainbow Project

Stonewall and The Rainbow Project have worked in partnership delivering the Diversity Champions Programme and Empowerment opportunities to workplaces across Northern Ireland since 2017. 

Since 2018, as a result of the funds raised by the Stonewall Northern Ireland Diversity Champions Programme, The Rainbow Project has received over £90,000.

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